CONCLUSION 1. Even if the BJP gets enough number of seats closer to Times Now’s estimates, it may ease concerns over the BJP losing steam ahead of the 2019 elections. 2. if workers produced more in a short space of time, it would have paved the way for pay increases and a rise in wealth. 3. If they had found that they have to pay three to four times higher price, they would have thought of buying their own car 4 .If these coins have evolved so there is not an issuer or an organized third party behind them, then the determination becomes a lot murkier. 1. Bahkan jika BJP mendapatkan jumlah kursi yang cukup dekat dengan perkiraan Times Now, itu dapat mengurangi kekhawatiran atas hilangnya BJP menjelang pemilihan 2019. 2. jika pekerja menghasilkan lebih banyak dalam waktu yang lebih singkat, itu akan membuka jalan bagi kenaikan gaji dan peningkatan kekayaan 3. Jika mereka menemukan bahwa mereka harus membayar tiga hingga empat kali harga lebih tinggi, mereka akan ber...
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