TOKO OTOMOTIF Praya street, Number 15, Lombok Phone: 081232145678 Fax: (021) 1234567 Email: December, 7th 2017 To: Mr.Fahri PT. MAJU MUNDUR CANTIK Masa Gitu street, Number 12 Lombok Dear sir, Thank you for your offering letter dated December, 3th 2017. We have read and learned it. We are interested to order some products from your company, with following spesification: No Item Brand Amount 1. Car Toyota 2 2. Motorcycle Honda 5 3. Truck Hino 1 4. Helicopter Heli 1 We hope that our orders will arrive within a week after this letter is received. The payment will be sent after we received our orders. Thank you, Mr. Rezabi Muntaha TOKO OTOMOTIF Manager
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